So the doors of restaurants, bars and pubs are firmly shut once more as England navigates a path through Lockdown:2 (The Slightly Lighter Version).
No arguments here about the need to preserve life and protect the vulnerable, but the economic cost is obviously a huge concern. The steady trickle of socially-distanced custom which was starting to give licensed premises a feel of what life was like pre-Covid has been thoroughly dammed.

We’re told everything will open up in early December ready for a pre-Christmas rush of sorts, but in truth the decision is out of the Government’s hands. If we’re fortunate and Covid-19 cases, deaths and the ‘R Rate’ conspire in our favour, it will be all hands to the beer pumps. If not, Christmas and New Year are going to resemble Whoville, post-Grinch visit.
One bright and shiny ray of hope is the great British public’s love of what the hospitality industry offers – good food and good drink. We may not be able to welcome them into our premises but we can still supply their needs thanks to…the takeaway!
Obviously takeaway food has been with us for many decades, but toddling home from the local with a four-pack of freshly poured ale (or similar) was always something of a rarity. Not now. Licensees everywhere can clean their pipes and polish their bar tops and pumps happy in the knowledge that the public wants to help out – and wants to drink their product in the process.
If we’re fortunate and Covid-19 cases, deaths and the ‘R Rate’ conspire in our favour, it will be all hands to the beer pumps. If not, Christmas and New Year are going to resemble Whoville, post-Grinch visit.
Temporary laws are in place which make it easier to obtain a licence for off-sales. Local authorities have been fast-tracking applications for some months, but plenty of licensees are still confused by regulations and operating procedures.
This, of course, is where Complete Licensing can help out – quickly and effectively. Applications like this are our stock-in-trade and our experts will be swift to spot any problems (and advise how to fix them) before they are debated by licensing sub-committees.
We may not be donning our Christmas hats just yet, but we are relishing the role of Santa’s Little Helper so our clients can serve up some early Festive cheer.