Get animated about your licence

Licensing can be complex and confusing, particularly if you’re still finding your way in the hospitality sector. With that in mind, we at Complete Licensing have produced a short, easy to follow animated guide to steer you through the basics.

We look to innovate in our approach to licensing and its many issues – before and after licences are granted – and this is just the latest example. The animation is crisp and straightforward, and the tone is definitely uplifting; the prospect of taking on or varying a licence may be daunting to some, and we’re here to take any uncertainty away.

The step-by-step guide is a great way for anyone unfamiliar with licensing processes to understand what needs to be done – and for those who know the hospitality trade well to enjoy a quick refresher. We think this is also a great tool to offer staff – old hands and new faces alike.

Our name says it all

Complete Licensing has experts to advise on everything covered by the 2003 Licensing Act, from a bar at the village fete to a complex late-night licence, and everything in between. Sit back and enjoy the video show – then give us a call.