Getting to grips with Martyn’s Law

It’s a sad but inescapable fact that the threat of terrorist action is something we live with nowadays. Attacks by terrorists may be thankfully rare in the UK – thanks, in no small part, to the vigilance of security forces and the public – but their effects can be devastating.

The worst atrocity on British soil in recent years was the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, when 22 concertgoers were killed and many more injured after an Islamic terrorist triggered a suicide bomb at a pop concert.

Among the dead was Martyn Hett. His mother, Figen Murray OBE, spearheaded a campaign which led to the creation of Martyn’s Law – or to use its full name, The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill. Martyn’s Law was included in the most recent King’s Speech and will be introduced to Parliament imminently.

The law is designed to improve the safety and security of public venues and keep the British public safe from terrorism. It will require public premises to fulfil proportionate and necessary steps according to their capacity to mitigate the risk and impact of a terrorist attack and thereby reduce the likelihood of harm.

Any premises engaged in entertainment or hospitality with a capacity of more than 100 people may have to implement the regulations laid out in Martyn’s Law – those with a capacity of 800 or more will have to implement the regulations. That said many of the aspects cross over with existing Health and Safety legislation. The published findings of The Manchester Arena Inquiry to date are now a matter of public record and must be recognised as a leading guide to requirements now.

Venues with a capacity of 800 more will have to have planned procedures in the event of an attack, maintain security documents outlining terrorist incident risks and have designated individuals to oversee implementation. Staff training in reaction procedures, life-saving and first aid techniques will also be mandatory. Regardless of legal requirement the processes, testing and training will be best practice

For those with the larger capacity a system of strict checks will be enforced in cooperation with licensing authorities but there is plenty of assistance from official sources to help implement and maintain these desirable and necessary measures. Much of the training content is available as an e-learning package at no cost.

At Complete Licensing, we’re fortunate to be able to offer the best help and advice when it comes to implementing the requirements of Martyn’s Law. Tony Nash spent 31-years in the Metropolitan Police, and as a Borough Commander managed security risks through the implementation of strategies and tactics. He has also run private security organisations and worked as a consultant assisting commercial organisations prepare for this legislation along with planning and testing crisis management responses.

He has worked internationally tackling global organised crime, developing policing strategies and assisted the development and creation of government crime-fighting policies.

Implementing all the measures Martyn’s Law requires might seem like a huge ask but our security experts, led by Tony, will be able to guide any venue – large or small – through every necessary step and advise on staff training, awareness improvement measures and all aspects of security.

One call to Complete Licensing will help you to help your customers feel safe, secure, and free to enjoy themselves.