Since day one, we at Complete Licensing have always subscribed to the theory that ‘preparation is everything’. The value of this approach to our work was proved yet again recently, when we secured a licence for a Bristol-based arts studio.

Three Nine Five is the latest project to open in the Old Market area of Bristol which has become a hub for creativity in this most creative of cities. Primarily used as a film and recording studio, the owners sought a licence to enable them to hold private parties, wrap events and similar celebrations.
The studio’s owners – unsurprisingly, highly experienced in dealing with acoustics – installed sound-proofing and noise limiters as a matter of course, but met objections to their licence application from police, local authority environmental health officers and locals including a rival business.
We stepped in, bringing our team of experts into play, and were able to work with the studio to ensure that police and local authority objections were withdrawn before the licensing hearing. Our legal, crime and disorder and acoustics specialists prepared an extensive, faultless application and we also spearheaded communications with local residents and the rival business; all of which ensured that the application was passed without demur by the licensing authority.