Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat – and it might be the best option for this year’s Festive feasting, given the anticipated supply chain problems with turkeys. Whatever’s on offer in hotels, restaurants and pubs up and down the country, it seems demand will be high.
This Christmas is being trumpeted (not just by angels and archangels) as everything last year was not: the chance to meet up, eat, drink and stay out late with friends.
Covid permitting, we’re all looking forward to a merry few weeks and, at the end of it a merry look to those profit/loss sheets which have been hit so badly since the pandemic began. Anyone with good business sense – and good common sense – will already have finalised staffing plans, menus, supplies, decorations…but there’s always something that might not occur, and ensuring safety measures are in place and up to date could be that something.

Complete Licensing is an accredited assessor for the Best Bar None scheme which has become the go-to plan for customer security and safety in the hospitality sector and particularly the night-time industry.
We work in partnership with this Home Office-backed initiative and our experience across every aspect of licensing means we can advise fully on issues from gas safety checks to staff welfare and underage clients to schemes like ‘Ask for Angela’ which protects vulnerable women in licensed premises.
The Best Bar None scheme allows premises to display reassuring ‘approved’ signs and Complete Licensing can guide clients through every step of the accreditation to ensure the right outcome – and address issues if standards are not met initially.
While you’re checking the legal requirements around the Festive Season, it’s not too late to sort your Temporary Extension Notices (TENs) which are such an important piece of the jigsaw at this time of year – particularly for New Year’s Eve.
Again, all you need to do is get in touch and we can move quickly to ensure your TENs are in place ready for all those thirsty and hungry late night revellers.