A licence issued under the Licensing Act 2003 by the local licensing authority authorising the premises Licence Holder to provide “licensable activities” or for gambling – gambling activities
You need a premises licence if you intend to carry on licensable activities or if you wish to provide certain gambling activities.
Application is made on the correct form to the local authority covering the premises.
Late Night Refreshment covers the sale of any hot food or drink between 23:00 and 05:00 the next day. There are exceptions.
These include the sale of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment in certain circumstances, and the provision of late night refreshment. There are a number of exceptions and exemptions and so worth getting advice on what is planned to see if it falls within the definition of licensable activity.
The following might be regulated entertainment:
- plays
- film exhibitions
- indoor sporting events
- boxing or wrestling exhibitions
- live music including karaoke
- recorded music
- dancing by the public or performers
- any entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dancing by the public or performers.
There are exceptions, it is work getting advice.
The Licensing Objectives are:
- The prevention of crime and disorder
- The Protection of Public safety
- The prevention of public nuisance
- The protection of children from harm